Monday, January 16, 2012

Entropic Adaptation

Note: This entry is specific to Villains and Vigilantes rules which consists of players rolling random powers anyway. Those who don't know or play that system may find it still useful especially if they have or are considering a supers game.

Upon rolling this power the player rolls a different ability from the Power list (or some other list if you like) and makes the decisions concerning it as normal.  The next time they go rest for the night (6 hours or more) they lose this ability and awake to find a new power in its place (roll again).

For groups who do not wish to stop in the middle of a game for the player to work out how exactly their new power will work (such as chemical power, size change, or poison/venom) they can have the player roll each game session rather than each night of rest.

If the player rolls an ability they already have they can either roll again or strengthen their power as per the normal rules.  This ability is intended for player's who wish to play a hero with random if sometimes unreliable powers.

If player's wish for their abilities gained through Entropic Adaptation to be more specific the GM should be encouraged to come up with new charts more tailored for that character's 'theme'.

So energy characters could have something like this:
1-10: Power Blast
11-20: Disintegration Ray
21-30: Flame Power
31-40: etc.
and so on...

or animal characters:
1-10: Natural Weaponry
11-20: Poison/Venom
21-30: Pet
31-40: etc.
and so on...

Depending on what other powers are available to the player they may wish to tie this ability to death such as the Resurrection man.

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