Friday, September 16, 2011

Mirrors of Moment

Many cultures have become fascinated with mirrors. Their surfaces are told to hold secrets and wonders by many. But few mirrors are as powerful as the ones of Moment.

These have been ritually prepared to capture the instances they reflect but for only a split second. Once they have done this, the mirror appears as a framed, but very realistic picture of whatever it has captured.

Those who know the proper words or gestures can release these images from the mirrors and cause those who have done so to briefly relive whatever event the mirror had been reflecting. Originally this was done to preserve things of historical significance such as a king's coronation, but some priests have fashioned these mirrors into weapons by capturing such things as a raging storm, rampaging animal, or even a vicious plague.

Weaponized mirrors will often work only once as it is far easier and cheaper to prepare them this way, but mirrors of history were often funded by rich proprietors and as such can replay their reflection nearly infinitely.

These historical moments are more than just illusions as well. As long as one relives the few minutes a mirror can hold, they can interact with it physical and any persons in the reflection will react to their presence. No objects can be taken from the reflection, but wounds can be dealt from it.

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