Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Flames of the Phoenix

Any attempt at gaming this summer is still on hiatus, but today I had an interesting idea of how phoenixes might fit into my campaign. The result is a bit of lore as well as a new toy for the players to get their hands on.

The Lore: Phoenixes are capable of taking on three separate forms. The first is a large bird of prey with scarlet feathers. This more traditional form has healing properties in both its feathers and tears but they are rarely given up easily.

The second form is a humanoid appearance with tanned skin and bright red, feathery hair.

Its most destructive form is of pure fire and light. This can theoretically be in any shape but often forms something resembling its human or bird shapes.

In either of its physical forms a phoenix can manipulate and produce flame and is capable of learning other types of spells as well. It can remain in its human or bird shapes indefinitely but taking on its firey form can burn up its supply of magical energy unless it takes time to rest.

Symbolizing destruction, death, rebirth, and life, phoenixes are notoriously difficult to kill. If one is hit with a fatal blow (or even dies of old age or starvation) its body erupts in fire and light. This engulfs its surroundings and often any foes responsible for the phoenix's death. After its body burns up, the remains restore themselves in a new body. This carries the phoenix's consciousness and the most of its personality, but the physical form is all new and resembles someone different (much like Doctor Who style regeneration).

The only known instance of a true phoenix death was in a near vacuum. Without oxygen, the creature was unable to produce its death fires. If the old body is not burned up, it is theorized a new one cannot take its place. Phoenix fire seems capable of burning the oxygen molecules in water however, making drowning a less likely option.

The Toy: Enchanters have been able to capture the life restoring phoenix fire in certain pieces of jewelry such as pendants. If someone wearing one of these is about to die, the pendant activates, wreathing the person and their nearby surroundings in flames.

The individual's body is cremated while they are still alive (this is understandably unpleasant) but then is restored with the same mind in a new body (just like a phoenix).

It is said no one ever willing goes through this process twice. The trauma of being burned alive stays with them in their new life. They live deathly afraid of all forms of fire and would almost always choose death over that experience again.

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