Friday, September 16, 2011

Mirrors of Moment

Many cultures have become fascinated with mirrors. Their surfaces are told to hold secrets and wonders by many. But few mirrors are as powerful as the ones of Moment.

These have been ritually prepared to capture the instances they reflect but for only a split second. Once they have done this, the mirror appears as a framed, but very realistic picture of whatever it has captured.

Those who know the proper words or gestures can release these images from the mirrors and cause those who have done so to briefly relive whatever event the mirror had been reflecting. Originally this was done to preserve things of historical significance such as a king's coronation, but some priests have fashioned these mirrors into weapons by capturing such things as a raging storm, rampaging animal, or even a vicious plague.

Weaponized mirrors will often work only once as it is far easier and cheaper to prepare them this way, but mirrors of history were often funded by rich proprietors and as such can replay their reflection nearly infinitely.

These historical moments are more than just illusions as well. As long as one relives the few minutes a mirror can hold, they can interact with it physical and any persons in the reflection will react to their presence. No objects can be taken from the reflection, but wounds can be dealt from it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's nearly 2 a.m. here and...

I'm bored, I feel like writing some campaign stuff before sleep, but I'm not sure of what. I think I'll just start listing some ideas I have for coming up adventures

  • Extreme Demolition Derby- I'm thinking this will be in Texas, I'm not sure why it just seems like a good place. The players want weapon upgrades for their van and this seems like a good chance for them to earn them and test them out. The other competitors will have super-powered vehicles and bigger-than-life names.
  • Blood bank is robbed- obviously by vampires but it won't be vampires. I'm thinking Blood Demon (I might write about him later) There will be a coven of vampires in the same town but they won't be involved in anyway. I hope they players feel tricked.
  • Insane asylum- maybe abandoned, this is scary anyway. I'm not sure what will be here, but I like how dead island has guys in straight jackets that can level you. They don't have access to their arms but they just repeatedly headbutt you and tackle you to death.
  • Something to do with diners- I don't know why, but diners seem awesome to me. Like pit stops in adventure, but they still seem like a place where adventure can happen. I should have a campaign that's starts at a diner. I once tried to start a campaign that revolved around one diner, it never took off. I obviously use them a lot here.
  • I've been posting links a lot, is that annoying? Let me know, anyway...
  • I've been thinking about villains. Overarching villains can be fun, but you have to be careful. I've tried to force long-lasting villains on players and they don't seem to take well. The best ones I've used seem to develop naturally, like a minor villain that disturbs the players just so and manages to get away, perhaps multiple times.
  • There should be a group of politicians in D.C. who are all warlocks. Some dabble in dark magic and get possessed so now there are demons controlling Washington. Now this seems like a good place for a villain, perhaps I'll put the bait out there and see if my players bite.
  • The voodoo priestess from the last game got away, along with her pet alligators. She totally freaked out the player's. They totally thought they killed her, but her whole origin is that she died and came back so it's not that much of a stretch to have her reappear. But to what end? revenge? maybe...
  • So I guess there are two options for some bigger, boss villain types I'm so fond of. I don't have much of an overarching story for this modern America + the supernatural game I've started. Right now I'm more interested in player choice, which I guess is important but direction ain't bad either, still I don't want them to feel forced into something, hmm. Maybe I'll just hint at some stuff, whatever it may be, hell if I know for right now but If i figure it out I'll let you know.
  • So far, I've been a big fan of the modern fantasy setting and making a game for it has been easier than any other game I've worked on. I have some ideas why, but maybe I'll write about it later.
Well that was a rant, and it feels good to put some of that stuff out there. If you have any thoughts/suggestions I'd love to hear them. Anyway, maybe it's time for bed.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Road Tripping Chart

Now that the players are going to be cruising around in the ambulance they got here and will be upgrading it with the stuff they have here, I decided to write a multidimensional chart on stuff that might happen as they travel from place investigating the supernatural. It's quite in interesting chart if I do say so, though it's mostly several charts combined. I'd love to hear your thoughts or possible additions.

How it works mostly is you first roll a d4, then depending on what you get there you roll a d20 on one of four other charts. The attack chart also includes a d6 roll if you want to add even more variety. If you know you want the players to run into an attack or a business of some sort you could also just skip the first step and just roll for the table you want.

But if your just want something straight random, I'd recommend rolling a d4, and a d20, and a d6 all at once so that no matter what you get you already have numbers generated to choose things. Might save a few seconds in the middle of a game.

Road Tripping chart

1- Players are attacked in some way
2- prominent business of some sort
3- event or activity of some kind catches players eye
4- natural event of some kind

Attacked on the Road

1- meth dealers, they are driving an RV, it's their lab on wheels
2- motorcycle gang, there are d6+3 members, they fight with chains, crowbars, guns, knuckle weapons, knives
3- cops, depending on the situation the players may be being pursued for an actual crime they committed, being falsely pursued, or the police are doing some sort of routine check
4- inter-dimensional marauders, they appear from a portal of some sort, most likely non-human fighter types, but a few have magical or super science abilities
5- land based animal instinct monster of some kind, should be region specific if possible, 80% it's some kind of cryptid, 20% it's a regular item of some sort
6- same as above but flying
7- still flying, but this is by someone with human intellect, 50% of the time they are flying by supernatural means, otherwise by plane, helicopter, etc.
8- same as 5, but it's a water like creature, if no water available then they are burrowing through the ground
9- same as 8, but this is of someone of human intelligence, 50% of the time they are doing this by supernatural means, otherwise by boat, or drill, etc.
10- rival adventurers with upgraded car of some sort
11- hunters, they are going after one or more of the players because they are a rare supernatural creature
12- Something from one of the player's pasts
13- something or someone that exploits a player weakness
14- something or someone that can easily be taken advantage of by a player
15- an investigator looking into something mysterious the player's have recently been involved in, they likely won't be immediately hostile, but more interested in asking questions
16- a single person or creature without a vehicle, but they wield enormous and obvious magical power
17- revenge! Someone or something wronged by the players
18- cultists, most likely with some kind of supernatural leader, but maybe it's just a charismatic human
19- Military, like cops, but tougher, with way better gear
20- roll twice, the two groups are working together

Enemy Tactics
1-stealthy, will try and ambush players
2- honorable, will challenge players for some reason
3- impulsive, attack head on
4- unaware, players can try and ambush or avoid
5-equal terms, both sides notice each other at same time
6- fearful, will avoid players

Prominent Business

1-Academic, a school or university, 50% percent chance they are looking into a cryptid or magical circumstance, otherwise something mundane but sciency
2- Diner, human owned and relatively normal, if they players stop to eat, something weird will happen outside (roll on the chart again)
3- Diner, normal on the surface, but the food is kind of weird, something kind of weird is going on behind the scenes, either non-human chefs or the diner is a front for illegal activities
4- Diner, this one is overtly weird with it all either being nonhuman or everyone talks backwards or something, roll on enemy tactics chart to see how they react to players
5- Magical-Curiosity Shoppe, they should have some kind of regional magic such as potions with local ingredients, wards of common magical hazards/beings, maybe something offensive as well
6- Clinic, cheap, they offer medical care, but their will be limits on what they can do, they will also be more likely okay with anything overtly magical since they're sort of desensitized
7- Clinic, expensive, they can do more medically, but they are more likely to freak out from cryptids or magical stuff
8- Mundane weapon shop, depending on the area they might focus more on firearms or melee, or maybe something more exotic
9- Fancy restaurant, human owned and normal, but plenty of rich folk with money, you probably can't get in without dressing up some
10- Fancy restaurant, owned by a supernatural, employs all supernaturals, and serves food for a variety of supernaturals, might still be regular people their, they might be oblivious
11- Theater, 50% it's for movies, either wise it's a live performance, currently being shown is something remarkably close to previous player exploits
12- some kind of area for back-alley, street fighting competitions
13- House of worship, the sign says it is for a major religion, but there is a 40% chance the player's see something ominous and off going on
14- House of worship, this is obviously for some kind of cult or weird-ish religion
15- Mechanic, cheap, but all they can really work on is regular car stuff
16- Mechanic, expensive, but they can work on weapons and other vehicular upgrades
17- Sewage plant, but something's going wrong because it's starting to flood the road and it stinks, if the players just drive by they have to make a handling check with some penalties for smell and flood
18- Zoo, mostly mundane, but there is advertising that they've captured some kind of mythical creature or urban myth, 20% chance this a fake claim, otherwise it's legitimate
19- General store, gas station, there is a 40% that if the player's stop here they will get attacked, roll on that chart too then
20- Library, it's mostly normal, but likely has information on something going on the player's are interested in

On the Road event or activity

1- cops trying to apprehend criminal of some sort, 40% the criminal is magical in nature
2- A street vendor is rapidly handing out some type of product to the locals, their selling like hotcakes, but the players see they do something weird and magical to the people who get them, this could be bad or good
3- There are several journalists in this area, tv and newspaper, who are covering something, 20% chance it's something mundane like a fair or something, otherwise it's something exciting, roll again if need be
4- street racers in fast and colorful cars, they'll likely challenge the players in their weirdo car
5- political rally of some sort, depending on the situation the politician could be preaching anti-supe sentiment, pro-supe, or something else entirely
6- tribal or shamanistic ritual, it's in the middle of the road, driving through is likely going to tick off the participants or do something worse
7- roll twice on the enemies chart, they are fighting each other and not paying much attention to players
8- obvious drug deal goes down in front of players
9- New business is opening (roll on that table) they are offering services/prices for free or reduced prices
10- The player's have wandered into an area of old time, as far as they can tell they are really in some past era, but after they leave things return to modern earth
11- The player's have wandered into an area infused by some other realm or dimension, once they leave things return to normal
12- the player's are in a small town, but they don't see anyone around
13- there's a wild and crazy party going on in the streets
14- construction, if the player's don't go through it they will have to reroute, if that's the case roll all over again for this stage of the journey
15- Robbery occurs in front of players, it can be a bank, a liquor store, a museum, or whatever
16- The player's hear about something incredibly valuable in the area, they know where it is, and what protection it may have, could be tempting
17- roll on the business table, the players see that business but it then explodes
18- the player's see someone in jeopardy like a family, a bus full of kids, a wealthy business man, etc. roll on either the natural event table or the attack table to see what the danger is
19- They players come across corpses of regular humans, they've died in some mysterious way, unknown sickness, obviously magical, or murder
20- The players come across corpses of something magical in nature, it could be a giant whale, a burning vampire, etc.

Natural Event

  • most of the time, this chart will combine with others and just adds further dressing, it may or may not even come into play that much
  • if something is rolled and not area appropriate, reroll, or it could just be weird, or magical, or whatever

1- clear and sunny
2- clear but night time, you can clearly see the moon and stars, darkness penalty
3- night time, but the moon is full or at least nearly so, it's less dark, this may have varying other effects
4- raining and overcast during the day
5- raining and nighttime
6- Foggy and humid, anything ground level takes penalties
7- oddly hot for wherever you are
8- oddly cold for where you are
9- fast gusts of wind, depending on the region this may build into a tornado
10- tornado
11- furious storm, wind, rain, lightning, the works
12- this areas on fire could be natural or not
13- earthquake, roll a d10 for richter rating
14- nighttime, there's a meteor shower, something lands nearby
15- snowing
16- hailing
17- blizzard, driving wind and snow, low visibility
18- firestorm, an inferno that feeds itself
19- Dust storm
20- Acid rain

Vehicle upgrades

So the V&V modern fantasy game I'm running is going to be taking a bit of a road trip. The players will be upgrading an ambulance they totally stole so that it can handle the likely upcoming road battles.

They've got a contact whose willing to do it for free, but they are only getting a set amount of points to spend and they will have to figure out what they consider to be important.


Weight:6000 lbs 
Passengers: 1+7
Cargo Capacity: 2200 lbs 
Speed: . 90 in./turn

Hit Points: Disable: 30 Demolish: 120

-In addition to these stats there is also a siren as well as various medical supplies left over from when it was an actual emergency vehicle.

Medical supplies:

  • 3 shots of epinephrine (1d10 + 5 temporary hit points)
  • 5 shots of morphine (you can't go unconscious from damage but you don't get to know your hitpoints)
  • Defibrillator with one charge (recharges every 8 hours, cannot be removed from ambulance, gives unconscious an automatically successful wake-up roll)
  • 3 pints of blood (have to stay one ice, medic check to determine type)
  • one stretcher


Starting points: 100 Current points:

*indicates upgrades that remove one passenger slot

  • Nitrous (boosts speed to 150% for 1d4 turns, 5 points per charge)
  • Paint job (make it look however you want, 2 points)
  • Armor Plating (each upgrade gives a bonus 1 armor rating per point spent)
  • Shocks (Reduces the handling penalty for jumps and bumps, 10 points)
  • Engine quality (permanently increases speed by 20in./per turn per upgrade, 10 points per)
  • All terrain tires (reduces handling penalties for off-road travel, also less chance of getting stuck, 10 points)
  • Bullet proof windows (improves structural rating of windows, 20 points)
  • Hydraulics (allows vehicle convert between a speed and turning mode, and an off-terrain mode, 20 points)
  • Contained Bath (allows for full-submergence in water: 5 points, triple cost makes this a vitamin bath that speeds health recovery)*
  • 1 Foot metal spike, choose location (does conceivable spike things: 1 point per spike, triple makes it retractable)
  • Tech Support (20 points for portable computer and wifi)
  • PA system (project any audio message from car, 5 points, for 10 points this can weaponized when combined with sonic abilities)

    I might add more later if I think of anything.

the Swamp Doctors

To me this sounds like a good band name, the Swamp Doctors, it's also a current group name my new players have adopted for themselves. I've just started a new campaign today with a group of almost all new players, and it's awesome.

This was one of the best games I've ran in a long time. It was fast-paced with plenty of dramatic successes and failures.

The new game is modern fantasy and were using the Villains and Vigilantes system with some modifications and house rules. Most of it is every day earth, but with an underlying tone of darkness and supernatural elements. I gave the players the option to choose some of their powers as well as roll some randomly. They either came as innate magical qualities, spells, or devices of some sort.

Here's what we ended up with:

-This is my girlfriend Rachel's first full campaign. She's playing as a siren with sonic powers and seduction-like mind control. She also has the skills of a master thief.

-Doug used to GM for his old group, he's possible more excited about this game then I am. He's playing as a well-groomed business executive who's both telekinetic and telepathic. He's also a burn victim and is terrified of fire. With heightened intelligence he gets just a shit-ton of skills to train in.

-My buddy Danny has been wanting to play for a while. As far as I can tell, He's some sort of Werespider with blade-like arachnid limbs that can erupt from his back. For his weakness he chose a fear of hospitals, doctors, and medicine in general due to the fact he was forced to have surgery that gave him magical eyes that induce fear and shoot lasers. He's also a detective.

-Danny's girlfriend Katie is also playing. She's essentially a mermaid without the tail with poisonous fish spines and the ability to breath underwater. She can't be separated from water for too long, however. Her other weakness is electricity and she's also trained in a lot of treasure hunting skills.

I tasked them with stopping a zombie apocalypse in the middle of the New Orleans French quarter. In V&V hand-to-hand attacks can be difficult without training so most of the zombies weren't a problem for the players.

They had to spend a lot of time figuring out how people were becoming infected. This lead them to a hospital where they decided things would be easier if they stole scrubs and pretended to by doctors to get a hold of an ambulance.

The player's finally tracked down a voodoo cult in the middle of the swamp who was responsible for spreading infection throughout the city. This is when things got tough for them. There were several cultists with swords as well as the brainwashed twin sister of the NPC who gave them the quest.

This cult was being led by a decrepit voodoo priestess being kept alive by fusing herself with the plants of the swamp. The priestess also had tow pet alligators defending her. One of them bit Katie and dragged her unconscious body underwater. Thankfully she can't drown and the water helped wake her up.

Somehow the player's managed to separate the grandmother from her roots and vines, killing her in the process as well as ending the infection and causing the structure they were in to collapse right after they escaped.

As reward I was going to give the players a vehicle of their choosing, but instead they chose to pimp out the ambulance they stole which is way cooler. They also deciding to leave the city of New Orleans for a while, and wait for the heat from the destruction they caused to die down.

I'm excited for the ensuing road trip game coming up. I think they will be going to the mountains or the coastline. Either way I have some planning to do.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Zombie Invasion Event Table

Hey, two posts in one day, I guess I'm just in that kind of mood. Anyway, here's some sweet stuff that might happen during a zombie apocalypse. Combine it with this Link to get just a ridiculous amount of options for a zombie game.

1- Mini horde d4+1 zombies
2- group of people getting attacked and surrounded
3- person watching loved one getting turned
4- random citizen is kicking ass (they've got a gun, throwing knives, chainsaw, bat, etc.)
5- a clearly bit person is asking for help
6- mini horde of d4+1 but some other creature is leading them (mage, vampire, scientist, etc.)
7- zombies surrounding vehicle or building with people
8- larger horde, they just keep coming, gotta run for it, or kill maybe like d20 + d10
9- person is asking for help (50% chance bitten but they're hiding it)
10- zombie ambush (they are stealthy, compete with character's perception)
11- zombies are trying to get past some natural barricade between you and them
12- regular people are looting this area (40% chance this attracts some zombies)
13- this areas pretty on fire (80% there's zombies here, either way there's some looting or an obstacle of some sort)
14- this areas flooded (80% zombies, still looting and obstacle)
15- several obstacle like features (dead weight cars, tables, chairs, rubble, broken electronics) 80% zombies
16- the zombies here are dogs, or maybe some other animal
17- these zombie employ unusually smart tactics
18- start fighting some zombies, then some you were sure were dead come back and attack
19- these zombies are all really hungry, weak but desperate
20- talking zombies, but doesn't talk to you, maybe about you though, or gibberish

Random Zombie Table

I'm starting a modern fantasy game tomorrow. The players are starting in New Orleans during a voodoo zombie invasion. Here's what I'm rolling on in case I need zombie with a little flair.

1-still has some semblance of humanity (they still look human, child with stuffed animal, etc.)
2- fast, aggressive zombie, charges and mauls
3- slow, stupid zombie
4- heavy charger zombie
5- zombie clumsily using a weapon
6- former wealthy person (more money, nice clothes, jewelry, etc.)
7-stealthy stalking zombie
8- pincushion (d4 weapons sticking out of them)
9- far gone zombie (rotting and gross, horror check)
10- obviously some former occupation (cop, UPS guy, chef, construction worker, etc.)
11- trap zombie (looks like corpse)
12- spitting/leaking (acid, blood, mucus)
13- getting pecked at by birds as it walks around
14- mutilated (roll d6: 1-missing arm, 2- crippled legs, 3- no lower body, 4- no jaw, 5- organs spilling out, 6-roll twice)
15- occupied (feeding, banging head against wall, etc.)
16- super fat zombie, vomits (attracts horde)
17- screamer
18- jockie zombie
19- smells like gas
20- further mutated (extra limbs, heart on face or other shuffled organs, plants growing out of body, etc.)